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How To Join RCM Business Free Sponsor ID 39873898 & Proposer No 32762533

Joining RCM Business is free for registration with Sponsor ID: 39873898 & Proposer No: 32762533.  To complete your registration process, following information & documents are required:
  1.  Name:
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Father's Name
  4. Address With Pin Code
  5. The nominee with relationship & date of birth
  6. Mobile Number  
  7. Email ID (optional)
  8. PAN card photocopy
  9. Bank passbook photocopy
  10. Passport size photo

For Joining WhatsApp all of the above-required information along with the photocopy in this number 9954745416


You can download RCM apps from Google Play Store and follow the steps below:-

Press the menu button above-mentioned press here

Press e-KYC application for the new D.S  

Please fill out the application form and include the Sponsor ID 39873898 and Proposer No 32762533. Once you've done this, an OTP number will be sent to your registered mobile number for further processing. Within 24 hours, your KYC will be completed, and you'll receive your own Sponsor ID on your registered mobile. To activate your ID, visit the nearest RCM store and purchase products worth INR 2000/-. After activation, you can refer others using your active Sponsor ID. For those who wish to use RCM products at a discounted rate without registering and going through the activation process, they can visit nearby RCM stores and purchase products using this RCM ID: 32762533, Name: Abhee Das.

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