Skip to main content - Applications for Connectivity MTOA or LTA

General Guidelines for submission of Applications for Connectivity, MTOA or LTA

  • Application should be made in a sealed envelope clearly mentioning ā€œApplication for Connectivity/ MTOA or LTAā€. The application shall be addressed to
Chief Operating Officer (CTU) 
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited 
Saudamini, Plot No.-2, Sector-29 
Near Iffco Chowk, 
Fax: 0124-2571809

(The documents attached with the application may get misplaced, for which CTU shall not be responsible, and therefore applicants are strongly suggested to submit in sealed envelope)

  • For an application to be treated as received for a given month, it should reach the address mentioned above by 5.30 PM on the last working day1 of the month. Applicants are advised to refer the list of holidays declared for the calendar year 2015. In case an unscheduled holiday is observed on the last working day of the month (i.e., other than the declared list), applications received on the next working day shall be deemed to have arrived on the last working day of the previous month.

Applications received after the last working day shall be considered as applications received in the subsequent month and priority shall be given accordingly.
  • In case the applications are submitted by hand, applicants are advised to get the date of submission stamped by the dispatch centre located at the address mentioned above.
  • An incomplete application, and/ or an application not found to be in conformity with CERC Regulations and Detailed Procedure, shall be rejected.
1. Central Transmission Utility (CTU) generally observes 5 day week from Monday to Friday

source of information :


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