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Monthly Wise Returns Under Various Acts

MONTH & NAME OF THE STATUTE FORM QAM Nature of Return/Compliance To be submitted to

31/Jan The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER -II
Bi annual return Asst Employment Officer
31/Jan The Maternity Benefit Act 1961 KL&M A Annual Returns Inspector of Factories
31/Jan The Factorice Act1948
A Common annual Returns Inspector of Factories/ACL
31/Jan The State Labour Welfare Fund Act F A Annual Statement of Contributions Welfare Commissioner
01/Feb The Motor Transport Workers Act 1961 IV A Annual Returns Asst Commissioner of Labour
01/Feb The Minimum Wages Act 1948 III A Annual Returns Labour Inspector
15/Feb The Payment of Wages Act 1936 IV A Annual Returns Inspector of Factories/Labour Officer
15/Feb The Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 XXV A Annual Returns by Employer Asst Commissioner of Labour
30/Apr The Employees PF Act 1952 3A & 6A A Annual individual Returns Regional PF Commissioner
30/Sep The State Shops & Establishments Act G A Annual Return Labour Inspector
30/Sep The Professional Tax Act 1976 Cheque A Renewal of enrolment Asst Professional Tax officer
30/Sep The State Shops & Establishments Act AA A Renewal of Licence (Annual) Labour Inspector
31/Oct The Motor Transport Workers Act 1961 I A Renewal of Licence (Annual) Labour Officer
30/Nov The National & Festival Holidays Act 1963 I&IV A Application for approval of Labour office

holidays with list
31/Dec The Factorice Act1948 2 A Renewal of Licence (Annual) Inspector of Factories
Within 30days The Payment of Bonus Act 1965 D
Annual Return Asst labour Commissioner
31/Jan The Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 XXIV H Half Yearly Return Asst Commissioner of Labour
30/Apr The Apprenticeship Act APP-2 H Half Yearly Return Dy Apprenticeship Adviser
11/May The Employee state Insurance Act 1948 6 H Summary of Contributions in ESI Regional Commissioner

31/Jul The Factorice Act1948 21 H Half yearly return Inspector of Factories
31/Jul The Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 XXIV H Half Yearly Return Asst Commissioner of Labour
31/Oct The Apprenticeship Act APP-2 H Half Yearly Return Dy Apprenticeship Adviser
11/Nov The Employee state Insurance Act 1948 6 H Summary of Contributions in ESI Regional Commissioner

31/Jan The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER-I Q Quarterly returns Asst Employment Officer
30/Apr The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER-I Q Quarterly returns Asst Employment Officer
31/Jul The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER-I Q Quarterly returns Asst Employment Officer
31/Oct The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER-I Q Quarterly returns Asst Employment Officer
21st The Employee state Insurance Act 1948 CHALLANS M Monlthly Remittance of Contributions Thru SBI/SBH
15th The Employees PF Act 1952 CHALLANS M Monlthly Remittance of Contributions Thru SBI/SBH
21st The Employees PF Act 1952 5,10&12A M Monthly Return of employees

qualifying/leaving&monthly Regional PF Commissioner

remittance statements
15th The Professional Tax Act 1976 5 M Monthly Return Asst Prof.Tax Officer
Immediately fatal The Employee state Insurance Act 1948 16 M Accident Report ESI Local office & Dispensary

12 hours of The Factorice Act1948 18
Notice of Accident Inspector of Factories

MONTH & LAST DATE NAME OF THE STATUTE FORM Nature of Return/Compliance To be submitted to

31 The Factorice Act1948
Common annual Returns Inspector of Factories/ACL
31 The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER-I Quarterly returns Asst Employment Officer
31 The State Labour Welfare Fund Act F Statement of Contributions Welfare Commissioner
31 The Maternity Benefit Act 1961 KL&M Annual Return Inspector of Factories
31 The Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 XXIV Half Yearly Return Asst Commissioner of Labour

1 The Minimum Wages Act 1948 III Annual Returns Labour Inspector
15 The Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 XXV Annual Returns by Employer Asst Commissioner of Labour
15 The Payment of Wages Act 1936 IV Annual Return Inspector of Factories/Labour Officer
1 The Motor Transport Workers Act 1961 IV Annual Return Asst Commissioner of Labour

30 The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER-I Quarterly returns Asst Employment Officer
30 The Apprenticeship Act APP-2 Half Yearly Return Dy Apprenticeship Adviser
30 The Employees PF Act 1952 3A & 6A Annual individual Returns & Regional PF Commissioner

11 The Employee state Insurance Act 1948 6 Summary of Contributions in ESI Regional Commissioner


31 The Factorice Act1948 21 Half yearly return Inspector of Factories
31 The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER-I Quarterly returns Asst Employment Officer
31 The Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 XXIV Half Yearly Return Asst Commissioner of Labour

30 The State Shops & Establishments Act G Annual Return Labour Inspector
30 The State Shops & Establishments Act AA Renewal of Licence Labour Inspector
30 The Professional Tax Act 1976 Cheque Renewal of enrolment Asst Professional Tax officer

31 The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER-I Quarterly returns Asst Employment Officer
31 The Apprenticeship Act APP-2 Half Yearly Return Dy Apprenticeship Adviser
31 The Motor Transport Workers Act 1961 I Renewal of Licence Labour Officer


11 The Employee state Insurance Act 1948 6 Summary of Contributions in ESI Regional Commissioner

30 The National & Festival Holidays Act 1963 I&IV Application for approval of Labour office

holidays with list

31 The Factorice Act1948 2 Renewal of Licence Inspector of Factories

Every Month 21st The Employee state Insurance Act 1948 CHALLANS Remittance of Contributions Thru SBI/SBH
15th The Employees PF Act 1952 CHALLANS Remittance of Contributions Thru SBI/SBH
21st The Employees PF Act 1952 5,10&12A Return of employees

qualifying/leaving&monthly Regional PF Commissioner

remittance statements
15th The Professional Tax Act 1976 5 Monthly Return Asst Prof.Tax Officer
Immediately fatal The Employee state Insurance Act 1948 16 Accident Report ESI Local office & Dispensary

12 hours of The Factorice Act1948 18 Notice of Accident Inspector of Factories

With in 30 days The Payment of Bonus Act 1965 D Annual Return Asst labour Commissioner
Bi-Annual The Employment ExchangesCNV Act ER -II Bi annual return Asst Employment Officer


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