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Curriculum Vitae (CV) Format

A bio-data or a curriculum vitae (cv) presents information about a present information about a person to an employer. However, just bare information about a potential employee are often not relevant enough. They need to be organized in a way that will make them stand out and attract attention. The information have to persuade the employer and show him/her that the application has the qualities the employer is in search of.

Uses of Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae is use only if when the employer specifically asks for one in the position advertised else the employers ask you to fill in their own application form, so that they can uniformly make you put down the information about yourself in the same manner as all other candidates. If you enclose a curriculum vitae and omit the question on the form (say question that deal with training etc.), the employer will probably disregard your application entirely. Even if you enclose a curriculum vitae in additional to the completed form, the employer is unlikely to read this extra piece of paper.

However, if you want to supply additional relevant information for which the form allows no space, you can attach this on a separate sheet of paper. there should be some reference to this in your answers in the body of the form, for example, "See attached sheet". You can also attach extra sheets if  the space on the form is insufficient, unless you are specifically told to limit yourself to that space.

You can also use a curriculum vitae when written to an employer  for a possible opening. While in other case, you need to persuade the employer to take your application seriously.

The format for Curriculum Vitae

As stated earlier, a proforma is given in the advertisement itself. This needs to be carefully followed. Otherwise, a curriculum vitae should contain in a tabular form, details about yourself (name, address, date of birth, nationality), educational qualifications, work experience, followed by interests and activities. Finally, it is in order to name at least two referees.

Given below is the format  required to compose your curriculum vitae in schematically, with appropriate dates and chronological structures.



       Full name and current address
       Mobile No
       Age, status - married, single
       Dependents - wife, husband, children


       Secondary  school(s)
       College(s), University - with dates
       Post-graduate institution
       Main subjects taken
       Activities, interests
       Post(s) of responsibility


      Examinations passed indicating grades, dates and examining boards.


      Usually expressed by starting from the current position (current job) and working backgrounds.
      Name of organization, location, job designation, range of duties, extent of responsibilities, reasons for leaving.


      Leisure activities, hobbies, indicating posts of responsibility


     Period of notice required to be given.
     Mobility - vehicle ownership, any limiting commitments.

 Note :- Curriculum Vitae with good covering letter might procure a job interview for the candidate. But if the candidate is applying for a specific job it is less likely to be effective. Till then best of luck hopefully the above information may come handy for you and your future. 



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