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Showing posts from 2014

Top Ten Tips to Crack Interview

Top Ten Tips to Crack Interview:- Be On Time Nothing damages yours chances of securing the job more than arriving late for the interview. It reflects badly on your interest in the position, the importance you place on the interview, your commitment to securing the position, your ability to organize yourself and how you manage your time. Be Smart Smart, professional business attire would normally be expected. Interviewers are likely to connect a smart, businesslike appearance with a smart, businesslike attitude. Remember: you are what you were. Be Prepared The old boy scout adage was never so true. Make sure that you have everything you may need, whether that be information, paperwork, certificates, example of work etc. You end up taking more than you need, but itā€™s better than needing something you havenā€™t got. Be Confident Self-belief can be contagious. If you believe in yourself then others are likely to believe in you too....

Assam Minimum Wages Notification Dated 13 August 2014 W.E.F 01 MARCH 2014

Assam Minimum Wages Notification  Dated 13 August 2014 W.E.F 01 MARCH 2014 .